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A Starting Point For Sales Beginners When Handling Objection In Selling

I think it is too awkward, to begin with handling objection in sales techniques, but hey, I'm a contrarian remember?!

how to handle sales objection

Imagine yourself in a doctors' room, and he or she was just finished seeing a patient. 

Questions run through your head like gushing wind. 

"What are we going to talk about? 

What am I to say here? 

Can I make a quick exit?." 

And the doctor turns to face you...

"Yes, what can I do for ya today?"

Gulping your own saliva, you begin...hastily...

"Well, doctor, I would like to talk about blah, blah, blah." 

Talking to you at that moment is likened to shooting machine-gun; rat-tat-tat-tat and all you can think of is to get the hell out of there ASAP. 

Inside, you can hear yourself saying, "Hey, it's understood. I'm new. What to expect, right!" 

Sweat begins to form. You can almost taste it on your forehead.

And this scenario usually happens when you are new. 

If you are a veteran, you will invariably begin by saying, "Doctor, the medication that you prescribed to one of your patients the other day, I heard from the nurse it works wonders!"

"Says who?!", Came back the reply..." patient returns and I have to change the prescription! What a waste..."

The veteran salesperson has been waiting all along for this -the 'objection' - and in this case, it's a technical objection.

I'll tell you another story on how to handle this kind of objection in my next post when I return from my business trip to Kuala Lumpur. 

I'm sharing this because, in my previous post, I mention why the pharma industry is almost recession-proof. 

If you recall, the whole industry operates on a single dogma: 

if you think treatment is expensive, try disease.

That statement alone took care of almost any objection you can conceive

Give it a try. 

Who knows, you'll be smiling all the way to the bank after that.

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